Infectious and Medical Illnesses ICU, Bichat?Claude Bernard Medical center, Assistance Publique-Hopitaux de Paris, Paris, France

Infectious and Medical Illnesses ICU, Bichat?Claude Bernard Medical center, Assistance Publique-Hopitaux de Paris, Paris, France. support in 60% of instances, remained in the ICU to get a median of 8?times, and had large 28-day time mortality price (19.7%; 95% self-confidence period 15.5C24.5). Early prognostic elements included age, primary temperature, the severe organ failures rating, and the first administration of antiviral therapy. Conclusions Data straight extracted through the electronic medical information stored in the info warehouse provide complete clinical, treatment pathway and prognosis info. The real-time availability should enable to identify and measure the burden of the very most severe cases. With a firmer and even more severe monitoring and modification of treatment and individual administration, hospitals could generate more ICU/ICW capacities, sensitize their emergency department and contribute to the recommendations from health authorities. This pilot study is of particular relevance in the context of emerging epidemics of severe acute respiratory diseases. Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s13613-021-00884-8. virus infection. The main objective was to assess the burden of the epidemic on critical care units, by describing the severity and outcomes of adult patients admitted to the ICUs/ICWs of the APHP network during the influenza season. The primary and secondary endpoints were the in-hospital mortality within 28?days of ICU/ICW admission with a diagnosis of influenza infection; ICU/ICW and hospital lengths of stay and in-hospital mortality rates, and the early prognostic factors associated with 28-day mortality, based on data available during the first 24?h of ICU/ICW admission. Materials and methods Study design Capsazepine and population The research was conducted during the 2017C2018 influenza epidemic in France [9], from November 1st 2017 to May 31 2018, in the medical adult ICUs/ICWs and respiratory ICWs of the AP-HP, Paris, France. The 18 participating centers (15 medical ICUs and affiliated ICWs, and three respiratory ICWs) are listed in Additional file 1: Table S1. All patients with severe virus infection consecutively admitted to the participating centers during the 2017C2018 influenza season were identified using the medical information system coding database (Programme de Mdicalisation des Systmes dInformation [PMSI]). The selection of adult stays (15?years and over) was performed on Diagnosis Related Groups in ICU/ICW, with the mention of virus infection was definite or probable, whether it was eventually microbiologically confirmed or not. Inter-institutional transfers within the AP-HP centers were considered in the patient care pathway by grouping together patient stays to obtain a database of unique patients. Data recorded For each selected case, baseline demographics and comorbidities, initial clinical presentation and vital signs, therapeutic management, ICU and hospital lengths of stay and vital status at discharge were extracted from the electronic health records (see Additional file 1). Statistics The characteristics of the population are described and compared according to their vital status at day 28 (D28). Qualitative variables are described by their frequencies and percentages of observed values, Capsazepine quantitative variables by their medians and interquartile ranges (IQR). Variables associated with 28-day mortality were identified using univariable Cox regression, with follow-up censored on D28. Hazard ratios (HR) are reported with their 95% confidence interval (CI). A sensitivity analysis was conducted to account for the multicenter design with the use of frailty models. Multivariable models were built to identify factors independently associated with 28-day mortality. Variables were included in the multivariable analysis from a practical perspective, when the information they provided was deemed clinically Pfkp relevant and easily available on admission: two models were built from age? ?65?years, comorbid conditions, abnormal core temperature (less than 35?C or at least 40?C), antiviral treatment on admission and a severity score [either the acute organ failure score (SOFA) or the CURB65 score]. Age? ?65?years was removed from the model with the CURB65 score, as it already was a component of this score. When values were missing for components needed to compute the PSI or CURB65 scores [10, 11], multiple imputation of these variables was used to compute these scores for all patients. Individual imputed patients scores were averaged and rounded over 30 imputed datasets. Regression results relying on these scores were obtained by applying Rubins rule on these datasets. All tests Capsazepine were two-tailed and values? ?0.05 were considered significant. Statistical analysis was conducted with R version 3.6.3 (R Core Team 2019; R Capsazepine foundation for statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria). Ethical considerations The EPIcuFLU_APHP research is a multicenter non-interventional data-based.